Archive | July, 2012

Law of Attraction – Worry, Your Law of Attraction Nemises

31 Jul

Worry is a sure way to put yourself on the negative channel and make utilizing the law of attraction impossible. Focus on the positive and end the worrying today!

Worrying shows that you lack faith in yourself and the Universe. Faith is a decision to trust and in order for the law of attraction to work to your advantage, you have to own faith in both yourself and the decisions you made.

Law Of Attraction: Are You The Worrying Kind?


Law of Attraction – Basic Metaphysics

31 Jul

We all know that meditation is a great law of attraction technique, what about the concept of remote viewing?

Applying basic metaphysics to your life can be as simple as meditating daily, as complicated as learning how to do remote viewing, and everything in between!

Read more about this facinating concept here:

Applying Basic Metaphysics To Your Life

Law of Attraction Love – An Interesting First Step

30 Jul

A fundamental first step for utilizing law of attraction love or applying the law of attraction to anything is to get on the positive channel! This is a must when seeking a relationship.

No one wants to be intimate with someone who can’t even control their thoughts. You can do this by simply making a commitment to silence, every day. It will be hard at first, but if your conscious mind decides something, there’s really no way to stop it.

If you are single and looking for your “other half” read on:

The Law of Attraction Love Guidelines

Law of Attraction -Manifested Reality

30 Jul

While we all know that when using the law of attraction we are capable of manifesting desired reality, what about the possibility of pre-manifesting realities?

Read on:

You cant fully rely on what you see and what realities are already created, because new realities are already underway and they can be fully created and ready-to-manifest before you even catch a glimpse of them.

99% of a reality is manifest before you see it

Law of Attraction Quotes – Eileen Caddy

28 Jul

It is imperative to erase doubt from our minds when focusing on what we really want. Doubt, even if it is sub-conscious is a “dream” killer. We should all add the following to our law of attraction quotes page:

“The secret of making something work in your lives is first of all the deep desire to make it work. Then the faith and belief that it can work, then hold that clear definite vision in your consciousness and see it working out, step by step, without one thought of doubt or disbelief.” – Eileen Caddy 

Law of Attraction Quotes – Wyane Dyer – Abundance

27 Jul

Another piece of wisdom to add to your law of attraction quotes list! Wayne Dyer is truly a master thinker.

Write this quote down, read it more than once and think about applying the message to your own life!

“Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.
There’s no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love.
There is only a scarcity of resolve to make it happen”. -Wayne Dyer 

How to use the Law of Attraction – Happiness

27 Jul

Many How to Use the Law of Attraction guides highlight the importance of being happy now! Sometimes this is easier said than done. Being unhappy only puts our focus on the negative and gives us more things to be unhappy about. .

“I’ll be happy when I make 10 million dollars.” or “I’ll be happy if I had enough to eat for the night.”. Which one of these people will have a better chance of being happy? This has nothing to do with high or low standards. Happiness and success is what you make it. Many of you are making life much harder than it has to be.

Read the rest of this seven point guide here:

The Top 7 Reasons Why You Are Unhappy

Law of Attraction – What Not to Do

27 Jul

There are many law of attraction guides that soley focus on what you need to do to employ the law of attraction effectively. There are not many that tell you what not to do.

This is an excerpt from an article that tells us exactly what to to produce negative results, brilliant!



4. Complain about what you don’t want and aren’t getting, so you attract more of the same.

Complain a lot! Complaints are powerful blockers to your good. Those blocks will get dislodged if you start using easy, effective tools that start the free flow of positive thoughts and actions. You can’t have both positive and negative thoughts at the same time. Pick one, complain.


You can read the rest of this juxtaposed article here:



Nine Sure Ways to Mess-Up Law of Attraction So You Can Tell Everyone It Doesn’t Work





Law of Attraction – Emotions

27 Jul

There is no doubt that our feelings are a reflection of our thoughts. Emotions are a law of attraction barrometer that gives us an instant frequency measurement. Stay on the positive channel!

When you think a thought over and over again, it becomes easier and easier to refer to that thought again. When you think about something for more than a ¼ of a minute you attach an emotion to that thought. The thought becomes emotional.

Read the rest of this revealing article here:

Feelings Attract

Law of Attraction – Actions and Feelings

24 Jul

Most people who use the law of attraction are familiar with the idea that thoughts influence our feelings. Lets add to that the multiplying power of using actions to influence our feelings. There is no doubt that feeling good is a sure-fire way to use the law of attraction to our advantage!

If you want to change how you feel, then act differently. The idea that emotions follow actions is immediately empowering. Acting as if you are confident, overcomes fear. Fear is trying to make you unmoving and paralyzed, so movement and action are natural fear-dissolvers. Thats why chronically fearful people can’t stand motionlessness and silence. 

If you struggle with anger, then make your body movements and gestures slower and more deliberate. Your emotions will soon follow suit. If you are feeling unhappy, then smile at people. As you force yourself to smile at others it will feel unnatural at first and then soon lead to real joy (unless you are covering up deeper-seated emotions, then the smile will only look forced and strained). This principle is where the “fake it till you make it!” idea comes from. It asks us to faithfully move forward, despite fear or a bad mood. 

Read the rest of this thought provoking article here:

A rapid change of state

Law of Attraction – Intentional Power

24 Jul

To effectively use the law of attraction one must recognize the power of intention. It is a seed from which all things are possible!

Of our many innate powers as human beings, our power of intention heralds as the primary key to unlocking our ability to co-create reality. When our energy moves from the mind outward into the physical realm, ferried by the vehicle of intention, the world becomes a reflection of our will. Our directed intention is the transport for our ideas, carrying them to fruition in the material world.

Read the rest of this awesome article here:

Co-Creation: 5 Paths Toward Personal Power

Law of Attraction Quotes – Michael Beckwith

18 Jul

Today I would like to finally add Michael Beckwith to our law of attraction quotes list. One of the stars of the secret and a modern law of attraction guru offers us food for thought; no pun intended!


“It has been proven now scientifically that, an affirmative thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought.” – Michael Beckwith

Law of Attraction – Detachment

18 Jul

 One of the biggest obstacles to using the law of attraction effectively is doubt. Worry, doubt and fear are things we need to detach ourselves from when we wan’t  to manifest our true desires.

“I had no ties to this manifestation. It was not important to me …. I was not worried about not seeing a frog on a lilly pad …. I didn’t have any old stories attached to seeing a frog on a lilly pad – Nothing in my belief system said it was not possible for me to see this frog. I didn’t have any fear or doubt or worry attached to this outcome. It was kinda like – Wouldn’t it be nice to see a frog on a lilly pad …. And then I let it go … “

Read the rest of this post here:

 Abra Cadabra… Manifest Now!

Law of Attraction – Basic Premise

16 Jul

A significant  factor in using the law of attraction successfully requires you to recognize the overall condition that cognizant thinking has a direct impact on your feelings. Innermost thoughts and  conscious thoughts have a direct effect on your actions. Your deeds represent your reality .

 Your current feelings are an easy way for you to assess your conscious and internal thoughts . 

They are simply a measure of your joy and happiness ! 

It is crucial keep in mind that your own conduct bears a direct effect on your current distinct circumstance ; feelings are actually in fact your conscience thoughts as well as perceptions demonstrated in everyday life .

Law of Attraction – Intuition

16 Jul

Intuition can be a powerful law of attraction tool when we know how to properly read it. Intuition resides hand in hand with your feelings as a thought barometer!

Guidance or intuition can come in many different forms including feelings, dreams, visions, hearing the same thing several times in a short period of time and synchronicities. However, whilst it can come in different ways some of which are outer signs you can know the significance of it by how it feels.

You can read the entire article here:

Following Your Own Guidance